Craighead County Deaths, Obituaries, Memorials & Articles
Craighead County Newspapers & Area Funeral Homes
1885 - 2023

There is a SEARCH ENGINE located on the main page for the Genealogy Society of Craighead County, Arkansas that searches the Obituary Index.

Send an obituary request to the Craighead County Jonesboro Public Library. They will send you copies. (Please limit you request to 5 at one time.)

Jonesboro Public Library Reference

Explanations & Abbreviations

Area Funeral Homes

Bryan FH - Hoxie, Arkansas
Cox FH - Walnut Ridge, Arkansas
Emerson FH - Jonesboro, Arkansas
Faith FH - Jonesboro, Arkansas
Gregg FH - Monette, Arkansas
Gregg-Langford Bookout FH - Jonesboro, Arkansas
Gregg-Weston FH - Harrisburg, Arkansas
House-Gregg FH - Walnut Ridge, Arkansas
Howard FH - Leachville & Manila, Arkansas
Jackson's Harrisburg FH - Harrisburg & Newport, Arkansas
McNabb FH - Pocahontas, Arkansas
Roller-Farmers Union FH -Jonesboro, Arkansas
Thompson FH - Trumann, Arkansas
Woodard FH - Jonesboro, Arkansas



1885 - 2023

Aald-Acuff Ada-Adams, J. Adams, K.-Afflick Agee-Alkire Allain-Allhoff
Allis-Alyea Amann-Anderson, M. Anderson, N.-Aquello Arami-Arnold, I. Arnold, J.-Aston

Baars-Baity Baker-Bakken Balbach-Baltzell Banazant-Barid Barker-Barnes, K.
Barnes, L.-Barnum Barr-Barylske Bascom-Battig Battle-Bazzill Beach-Bebout
Becheres-Beineke Belay-Belzung Bemore-Benzing Berato-Bezzo Biagioli-Birchler
Bird-Bjork Blacet-Blaire Blake-Blazer Bleakley-Blythe Boaher-Bohun
Boiar-Bomer Bonady-Boothe Boozer-Boving Bowden-Bowyea Box-Bozman
Brabbzson-Bradley, K. Bradley, L.-Braly Braman-Branom Branscom-Brazzill Break-Breznik
Brian-Brillhart Brimes-Brizentine Broach-Bronte Brooke-Brova Browder-Brown, E.
Brown, F.-Brown, J. Brown, K.-Brown, Ri Brown, Ro-Broyles Bruan-Bryson Buazard-Bunyard
Burba-Burnley Burns-Burroughs Burrow-Burzynski Busbee-Buzzard Byard-Byrum

Cabe-Caldwell, G. Caldwell, H.-Calvin Cambell-Campbell, L. Campbell, M.-Cantwell Caparas-Carmikle
Carmon-Carruth Carson-Carter, Je Carter, Jo-Cory Casady-Castleberry Castleman-Cazort
Cebolt-Chance Chancery-Chavose Cheadle-Childrey Childs-Chwistek Ciaccio-Clark, L.
Clark, M.-Clayton Cleamer-Cleversy Click-Clyburn Coaker-Coburn Cochran-Cogswell
Cohea-Cole Coleclasue-Collier Collin-Coly Comadall-Conyers Cook, A.-Cook, Joan
Cook, Joe-Cooke Cooksey-Cooper, G. Cooper, H.-Coots Cope-Corley Cormack-Cotty
Couch-Cowort Cox-Cozort Crabb-Craver Crawford-Creed Creek-Critz
Croane-Crotwell Crouch-Crye Cubbage-Cundiff Cunningham-Czerwonky

Dabbs-Dangerfield Daniel-Daussin Davenport-Davila Davis, A.-Davis, H. Davis, I-Davis, Maudie
Davis, Max-Davisson Dawes-DeBruce DeCarlo-Demsey Denbow-Dettloff Deubler-Dikyander
Dilbeck-Dobyns Dochniak-Donham Donley-Doty Doucet-Dowless Down-Dozier
Draby-Duffy Dugan-Duncan Dundan-Dunn Dunnam-Dzwierzynski

E-Aawar-Easrin East-Eby Echelmayer-Edsall Edward-Eitzenhefer Elam-Elliotte
Ellis-Elphingstone Elrod-Enchelmayer End-Erphenback Ervin-Euster Evancik-Ezra

Face-Farquharson Farr-Fayard Feagan-Ferguson Fern-Filyaw Finch-Finwick
Fires-Fizer Flack-Fletcher, I. Fletcher, J.-Flynt Foege-Fordyce Fore-Fortune
Fosh-Foster Fouchee-Foyt Fraden-Frazier Fred-Fregona Frei-Frizzell
Froemsdorf-Fuller, H. Fuller, I.-Fyles

Gabay-Gallion Gallop-Gammon Ganby-Garland Garman-Garza Gasaway-Gazik
Gean-Gibbs Gibson, A.-Gibson, Z. Gidcomb-Gillham Gilliam-Gipson Girard-Glin
Glisson-Goforth Goggins-Goodlow Goodman-Gootee Gorbet-Gozsky Grabbett-Grantley
Granville-Grazevick Gream-Greener Greenfield-Grey Gribble-Grifith Grigg-Grizzle
Groaning-Gullett Gulley-Gynn

Haag-Haigwood Hail-Halk Hall, A.-Hall, L. Hall, M.-Halvorson Ham-Hamlin
Hamm-Hamrick Hanan-Hankins Hanks-Happel Haralson-Hargo Hargrave-Harpole
Harral-Harris, J. Harris, K.-Harry Harsell-Hargood Hasaw-Havner Hawes-Hayes
Haygood-Hazzard Head-Heddy Hedge-Hempstead Henard-Henderson Hendley-Henken
Henley-Henry Henshaw-Henton Hepler-Heuver Hewart-Hickson Hidalgo-Hilgeford
Hill-Hill, L. Hill, M.-Hilz Hime-Hively Hix-Hoftyzer Hogan-Holbrooks
Holcom-Holiway Holl-Hollyfield Holm-Holub Holwell-Hopwood Horace-Hoskins
Hosley-Hovley How-Howe Howel-Huckleba Huddle-Huffman Huffmaster-Hulvey
Human-Hurner Hursey-Hutchinson Hutchison-Hyzdu

Iacampo-Irwin Isaac-Izard

Jack-Jackson, Ji Jackson, Jo-Jackson, Z. Jaco-Jamroz Janas-Jemison Jenkins-Johanson
John-Johnson, E. Johnson F-Johnson, L. Johnson, M.-Johnson, S. Johnson, T.-Johnstone Joiner-Jones, D.
Jones, E.-Jones, K. Jones,L.-Jones,P. Jones, R.-Jontz Joplin-Jutsell

Kaaihue-Keiter Keith-Keltz Kemmer-Kerperian Kerr-Kiltz Kim-King, G.
King, H.-Kinzer Kios-Kissling Kitamiller-Knutson Kobbe-Kyzer

Labarr-Lamastus Lamb-Lamunion Lanaghan-Lane, J. Lane, K.-Lantz Lape-Lawnsdale
Lawrence, Lawton Lax-Lee, I. Lee, J.-Lemp Lenar-Lewin Lewis, A.-Lewis, P.
Lewis, R.-Lily Limbach-Lingold Linhart-Llanes Lloyd-Loney Long-Louy
Lovan-Lowell Lowerins-Luffman Lugh-Lytton

Maag-Maddy Madgett-Maltz Mamath-Mannhalter Manning-Markway Marlar-Martin, H.
Martin, I.-Marzewski Maschino-Mastowski Matejski-Mattox Mau-Mayland Maynard-McBryde
McCaa-McCartny McCartney-McClung McClure-McCoy, G. McCoy, H.-McCutchins McDaniel-McDole
McDonal-McDonough McDorman-McFink McGaha-McGwier McHaffey-McKuin McLachlan-McMullins
McMunn-McWilliams Meacham-Meister Melancan-Messon Metaxas-Micklish Middlebrook-Millen
Miller, A.-Miller, K. Miller, L.-Milloway Mills-Mischnick Misenheimer-Mixsooke Mize-Monteniszs
Montgomery-Mooneyhan Moor-Moore, K. Moore, L.-Morens Morgam-Morgen Morici-Morris
Morrisett-Moslander Mosley-Mrozinski Mucherson-Murphy, M. Murphy, N.-Myrick

Nabers-Neece Needham-Nelson Nesbett-Newsome Newson-Nicolcioiu Niedemeier-Norman

Oake-O'Drowski Odum-Olmos Olsen-Outzer Overall-Ozley

Pabst-Papp Paradiso-Parker Parkhill-Parvin Pasamore-Pattison Patton-Payton
Peace-Pels Pelt-Peppinger Percell-Perryman Persful-Peyton Pfaat-Phillips, J.
Phillips, K.-Pidrak Pierce-Pilkinton Pillow-Pizzano Plafcan-Pomery Pond-Postweiler
Potashnick-Pownell Poy-Prewitt Pribble-Prickett Priddy-Priyitt Probst-Pufahl


Rabah-Rains Rainwater-Ramsey Rand-Ratliff Ratte-Razor Rea-Reed, K.
Reed, L.-Reh Reiathbaum-Reynaga Reyndles-Rhynes Rial-Richardson Richart-Ridings
Rie-Riley Riltz-Rizzo Roach-Roberson Robert-Roberts, Z. Robertson-Robins
Robinson-Rodabaugh Rodd-Rogers, D. Rogers, E.-Rogus Rohmer-Rosell Roseman-Rowton
Roy-Rupaud Rupe-Russell, I. Russell, J.-Rzegoski

Saala-Sanderfer Sanders-Santucci Saper-Schirmer Schisler-Schyuler Scobey-Scozzari
Scranton-Sedgwick See-Semple Senn-Shapkoff Sharar-Shavnore Shaw-Shelton
Shempert-Shircliffe Shirey-Shyrock Sibert-Simonton Simpkins-Sims Sinall-Slates
Slaton-Smiley Smith, A.-Smith, C. Smith, D.-Smith, E. Smith, F.-Smith, H. Smith, I.-Smith, J.
Smith, K.-Smith, Marvin Smith, Mary-Smith, Q. Smith, R.-Smith, S. Smith, T.-Smith, Z. Smithee-Snuffer
Snyder-Sowle Spades-Spellman Spence-Spotts Sprabery-Stage Staggs-Stapleton
Starch-Steely Steen-Stetzer Stevens-Stewart, G. Stewart, H.-Stivers Stoakes-Stone
Stonebreaker-Stowers Stacener-Stryker Stuard-Suluski Sumeracki-Swalls Swan-Szurgot

Taber-Tarkington Tarlton-Tawney Tayler-Taylor, J. Taylor, K.-Tays Teachenor-Thieber
Thiel-Thomas, Jean Thomas, Jeff-Thomas, Z. Thomason-Thompson, L. Thompson, M.-Thorson Thrash-Tillie
Tillman-Toby Todd-Torrence Torres-Traywick Treadaway-Trowbridge Troxel-Tunstill
Tur-Turner, L. Turner, M.-Tzaarda


Vaccari-Vanhook Vanhoose-Vawter Veach-Victory Vidal-Vuncannon

Wacaser-Wales Walk-Walkup Wall-Walley Wallin-Wantulok Warberington-Wardlow
Ware-Wasson Watercutter-Watlington Watson-Wayott Weakley-Webb, L. Webb, M.-Weitzel
Welborn-Wery Wesa-Weyer Whal-White, D. White, E.-White, Z. Whiteacker-Whitman
Whitmarch-Wikowsky Wilbanks-Wilkening Wilkerson-Willi William-Williams, E. Williams, F.-Williams, L.
Williams, M.-Williams, Z. Williamson-Wilmuth Wilson, A.-Wilson, I. Wilson, J.-Wilson, Z. Wiltfang-Winters
Winton-Wonzel Wood-Woodall Woodard-Woods, W. Woodside-Worthey Worthhington-Wright

Yabro-Yopp York-Yuhas



Jonesboro Public Library
315 West Oak Avenue
Jonesboro, AR 72401
P.O. Box 844
Jonesboro, AR 72403

Send an obituary request to the Craighead County Jonesboro Public Library. They will send you copies. (Please limit you request to 5 at one time.)

Jonesboro Public Library Reference

In Memory
Edward "Ed" Gerdes
20 December 1927 - 5 March 2004

Ed was the force behind the creation of this index.

This Index was created by and is maintained by the Genealogy Society of Craighead County, Arkansas. These pages contain an Index of Obituaries and Deaths that have appeared in The Craighead County newspapers. Each entry includes the name, date and page number of when the obituary or death notice appears. If there is more than one date beside a name, an obituary or article appears more than once.

Special THANKS go to Joyce Whitten for her work in helping to create this index. She has spent countless hours reading the microfilm to compile this index.

Several years ago, it came to our attention that there were obituaries published on the Funeral Home Websites for Craighead County residents that were not published in the newspaper. We started following those funeral homes and adding notifications for individuals that were not included in the newspaper.

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